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Dow Jones Risk & Compliance is a global provider of third-party risk management and regulatory compliance solutions. They provide products, services, research tools and outsourced services for on-boarding, vetting and investigation to help companies comply with anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, corruption and economic sanctions regulation in mitigating third-party risk. Click here for more details about the product offering.

Dow Jones has been a valued Gungho client for many years. When they came to us, they were keen to leverage the skills and expertise of Gungho to support aggressively growing the pipeline for their Risk & Compliance business.

During our working relationship, the Gungho team has created thousands of appointments for the Risk and Compliance Product Specialists across EMEA, APAC and North America. The appointments are made with Heads of Compliance, MLROs, General Counsel, 3rd Party Risk and Heads of Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption in global corporate and financial enterprises.

A significant percentage of appointments enter the team’s opportunity pipeline, with a good number closing out within 6 – 12 months of the date of the appointment; all testament to the Gungho team creating the initial appointment, and the sales execution of Dow Jones product specialists to close the deal.

We spoke with EMEA Sales Director, Risk and Compliance, about the Dow Jones/Gungho relationship and how our appointment setting service is an integral part of the Dow Jones sales cycle.

What are the benefits of having a longer-term relationship with Gungho?

The more time Gungho has spent learning about our business, our focus and the message, the more efficient the calling has become. There is a benefit in running an appointment-setting campaign in the short term, but we really value the ongoing support and a long-standing partnership like this one.

You clearly run a successful sales team, how have you managed to seamlessly integrate Gungho into this?

Gungho is an integral part of the business development effort. Our internal specialist teams and account managers are all busy doing what we do. We outsource the very important part of the business development cycle to a specialist team who call the industry. In the same way we specialise in what we do at Dow Jones, you specialise in the business discovery for companies like ours. To me, that is why it makes sense. You do your thing well, and we do ours, and together the combination works really well.

How has access to our dataset helped with your global outreach?

Quality data is core to what you do at Gungho and that’s extremely important to us. Our business has changed over the years in terms of the industry and the kind of companies and customers we are working with and prospecting into. Because you, at Gungho, have that wealth of data, we know you can really tap into it. The data is one thing, but you also have the operation around keeping the data current and the ability to deliver our specific message to our target community.

It is a combination of the data, expertise, and specialist knowledge that you have calling into those Risk and Compliance professionals, and I think also, having a strong brand like Dow Jones, makes for the perfect partnership.

What is the relationship like with your Gungho team & Account Managers?

To me, Gungho is an extension of our team. We have a very close relationship, which is why we wanted to come into the Gungho office today and interact with the team. It is important to feedback on what’s working, what’s not and how we can keep growing together. I know it sounds a bit cliché but it’s true, communication is key. We hear your feedback and that there are things we could change for the better, and you do the same. It is a two-way relationship, and those frank conversations are important.

What would you say to a company with fears of outsourcing?

Well, you might already have an in-house team and think that is enough, but ask yourself, is it really enough? Be open-minded. Be prepared to commit to it but not just for 6 months. If you want to outsource, outsource for a decent amount of time, 1-2 years initially and put some effort into the relationship, into the training and coaching of the team, share feedback, and see the results.

Be disciplined about measuring the impact, be frank about the feedback, if the appointments are well qualified, what works and what doesn’t. Like any relationship, there is a cost attached, but there is a far greater benefit in the long run which is why I have always been very vocal, and a big champion of the work Gungho do. We know it is working and we want to continue to do more. My advice would be to put your fears aside and consider the long-term benefits.

Whether you’re a start-up or a corporation, global lead generation is what we do. Call us on +44 (0) 203 326 8150

In the same way that we specialise in what we do at Dow Jones, you specialise in business discovery for companies like ours. To me, that is why it makes sense. You do your thing well, and we do ours, and together the combination works really well.

EMEA Sales Director, Risk and ComplianceDow Jones