Gungho Marketing has a dataset of 600,000+ professionals from 50 jurisdictions around the globe, providing deep job title coverage, such as compliance, risk, money laundering, CF10 & CF11 under SMCR, fraud, legal counsel, third-party risk and more.
We understand that to run a successful lead generation and appointment setting campaign, accurate data is essential to success. Our data is continually updated by our expert in-house data research team alongside our 140+ team of telemarketers who are calling into, verifying and enhancing accuracy on a daily basis. Although we boast 600,000+ contacts, we pride ourselves on the relevance of our data. We reduce irrelevant job titles that create noise and slow workflow.
Niche industries often have a high turnover of key decision makers, regularly moving to the next exciting opportunity. Our data gathering workflow allows us to track these changes and update the data to ensure our team spend more time having conversations, than researching who to speak with.