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Does B2B Lead Generation Really Work in the Summer?

By July 25, 2024August 6th, 2024No Comments

Summer’s here, and many businesses will be wondering if it’s worth pursuing B2B lead generation during the sunnier months. The short answer is yes. Skipping a summer campaign is a recipe for missed opportunities!

During the summer, B2B lead generation faces unique challenges and opportunities. By proactively planning and adapting strategies to align with seasonal trends, businesses can not only sustain but potentially improve their lead generation efforts.

Summer is the secret weapon to keeping your pipeline full and your growth on track –and here’s why…

Why summer lead generation works

Many sales teams subscribe to the myth that it’s just not worth the effort working on lead generation in the summer with so many people away on holiday. They believe decision-makers and key stakeholders will be out of the office, making it harder to schedule appointments and secure their attention. However, most only take a week or two off, and with fewer gatekeepers around, it can actually be easier to connect with the right people. Our data shows that a consistent campaign ensures you can continue targeting week after week, capturing those who are available.

Even appointment-setting can be quicker as it’s easier to reach people and secure meetings. At Gungho we’ve noticed we have to jump through fewer hoops in the summer to get a conversation and a productive meeting with a decision-maker.

Smart targeting – where in the world?

Something else to consider is geography. In the Northern Hemisphere, July and August are peak vacation times: the school year has ended, and annual family holidays are in full swing. However, in the United States, shorter breaks and fewer total days off mean it’s more business as usual. In the Middle East, traditional or religious observances can influence the availability and responsiveness of decision-makers. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s winter not summer – they take long holidays in December and January.

Gungho’s global expertise and market knowledge can help you hit the right market at the right time, ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.

Sectors and seasonality

It is crucial to take into account the seasonality of your target industries when planning your lead generation strategy. For instance, it will be harder to get hold of those working within education during the summer, as schools and universities are often on break. However, the finance and technology sectors operate throughout the year. By aligning your outreach strategies with the seasonal patterns of each industry, you can tailor your lead generation efforts effectively, maximising your chances of success.

Beat the competition

Another great thing about summer lead-generation? Reduced competition. Many companies assume that the summer months are slow and that they are potentially wasting time and effort trying to talk to get in contact with potential new customers.  Many RegTech in-house sales teams may be stretched thin with people away, so the focus is often taken off appointment setting and diverted to other marketing strategies.

Our own research actually shows a bump in the appointments being set during the summer!

Strategic planning

Still not convinced? Well, here’s something else to bear in mind. While families with young children typically plan vacations during the summer school holiday period, others may opt to schedule their annual leave outside of this time.

With the relaxed atmosphere that often accompanies fewer people being in the office, it’s the perfect time to target prospects.

Also, summer provides an opportunity for businesses to plan for the rest of the year. People who are less occupied with day-to-day tasks have more bandwidth to evaluate potential partnerships and solutions. The RegTech industry, in particular, can benefit as companies prepare for upcoming regulatory changes: decision-makers may be more receptive to exploring new solutions that can help them with evolving regulations.

By launching appointment-setting campaigns during this time, RegTechs can position themselves as proactive and forward-thinking, capturing the attention of prospects who are considering their long-term objectives.

Summer is a sweet spot for B2B lead generation

Instead of slowing down, it is precisely the time to proactively engage with potential clients and shake up your lead generation strategy.

Capitalise on this time and you can lay a solid foundation for future business growth and establish yourself as a proactive industry leader in the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.