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Successfully Promote your Events with Gungho Marketing

By July 15, 2023July 31st, 2023No Comments

During 15+ years of business in the compliance space, Gungho Marketing has successfully supported global RegTech vendors with event sign ups. We have promoted a huge number of varied events, from conferences, product launches, webinars, and more. As a result, we have gone on to secure well-qualified appointments that lead to sales revenue. We’ve even followed up on attendee lists to arrange meetings at the client’s booth at the event itself.

You may have a great idea for an event, one which will showcase your expertise in the field and add real value to your audience but whether your event is exploring Russian sanctions, crypto or regulation changes, there’s no guarantee that it will be well attended. In fact, there is no set formula when it comes to marketing an event and there are many factors that will impact its success. Date and time, topic, target audience, speakers, and accessibility all play a big part. Whilst there is no ‘one size fits all’ blueprint, Gungho Marketing’s experience in lead generation has helped us to ensure our RegTech clients get the best return on investment for their virtual and in-person events.

We have a two-pronged approach underpinned by market-leading data. Email Marketing is our first point of attack. We segment our dataset of 500,000+ professionals from 50 jurisdictions, to narrow down an audience that makes sense for your particular event. Our specialist Email Marketing team send targeted webinar or in-person event invitations. Our calling team then hit the phones to follow up with any interested contacts. Prospects that show interest but can’t attend the event itself, are also targeted post-event for an appointment.

Our approach is tailored to your event but our top tips for a great event are:

Add an email banner.

Working with Gungho, you will have a team of callers who are raring to get on the phones and secure meaningful conversations with those who have engaged with the emails sent prior to your event. Adding an email banner to their emails to prospects displaying information about your event gives extra exposure when the team reaches out to your target audience. Our callers are sending emails to follow up telephone conversations, and when they are unable to reach people on the phone first time, the message is still given about your event even if a call can’t take place.

Multiple touch points

We always recommend that our clients create multiple touchpoints with target audiences. It’s important not to judge the success of a campaign based on just one email sent. In this digitally hectic world, prospects will need to hear about the event multiple times to be more likely to commit to attending. Multiple touchpoints allow accurate insights to be gained into target audiences, the type of content that lands well and the environmental factors that might be important in that industry segment.

Target engaged contacts near the time of the event

Having successfully sent emails to your target audience, it’s now time to focus on those that have engaged with your content. These are the people who have opened your email, replied to, or clicked a link. All of these actions are monitored and reported on so you can see exactly what actions your prospects have taken.

Follow up with everyone

Our calling team targets your audience after the event to secure appointments with prospects. If someone signed up but didn’t attend the event, all is not lost. Our clients are rightly still keen to speak to those individuals because they were interested and are therefore a warm lead. Our calling team can still use the event as a discussion point to secure meetings.

Post-event round-up to engaged audiences (what’s next)

If you have someone who has already attended one of your events, we always suggest this person is targeted for any other events, webinars etc. They like what you have got to say and they are interested in your brand. We already know they are part of your target audience, so nurture that opportunity.

Execution (touchpoints)

  1. Email – event summary – send to all
  2. Delay 1 week
  3. Email – key speaker announcement / key topic explained – all
  4. Delay 1 week
  5. Email – 1 month to go
  6. Delay 1 week
  7. Email – second speaker / key topic explained
  8. Delay 1 week

(Now split the audience into engaged and unengaged)

  1. Email – 2 weeks to go (reminder, with info of webinar host or location)(engaged).
  2. Email – 2 weeks to go (here’s what you will miss) (last email for unengaged).
  3. Delay 1 week.
  4. Email – final case study / topic – engaged only.
  5. Send webinar details/reminders the day before the event, or on the day of the event.
  6. Event takes place

Post event:

Provide names of non-attendees to telemarketing for follow up.
Provide names of attendees to telemarketing to follow up (but with a different approach to the first one).

Send an email to those that engaged but did not sign up to advertise what they have missed.

Send an email to all engaged with details of the next event that might be of interest.


Telemarketing to mention event during appointment calls (where relevant).

Post event:

Provide names of non-attendees to telemarketing for follow up.

Provide names of attendees to telemarketing to follow up (but with a different approach to the first one).

Send an email to those that engaged but did not sign up to advertise what they have missed.

Send an email to all engaged with details of the next event that might be of interest.


Telemarketing to mention event during appointment calls (where relevant).

Gungho has supported many organisations by generating interest and sign-ups to events with a powerful combination of email marketing and appointment setting. We also support post-event follow-ups which often generate meaningful conversations and appointments for your sales team. We do the hard work so your team can enjoy the event and get ready for those post-event meetings. Get in contact to speak to our Head of Email Marketing and find out more about making your event a success.